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The Governing Body is responsible for the general management of the School acting within legislation and the policy framework of the Local Education Authority. The responsibility of the day-to-day management of the School remains that of the Headteacher. The Head and Governors work in partnership and liaise closely on all matters affecting the school.

Full Board of Governors meetings are held at least termly. Committees – Resources and Pupil Achievement & Curriculum – meet regularly during the year. Their Terms of Reference can be obtained from the School.

Name Category Term of Office Committees Relevant Interests FGB Attendance 2022/2023
 Ayshen Wilson Headteacher Sept 2022 –
  • Curriculum (N/A)
  • Resources (N/A)
Natalie Beacham Staff 18/11/2019 – 17/11/2024
  • Curriculum
Mr Colin Daniel
  • Curriculum (4/4)
  • Resources (4/4)
Chair of Board at Mount Grace School since 2006

Director of Fusion – company that occasionally carries out electrical works for the school at cost price.

Gill McKenna Local Authority 19/07/22- 18/07/26 N/A
Allan Newby Parent Governor Feb 2023-
Jan 2027
Carly Panteli Parent Governor Feb 2023-
Jan 2027
Jean Lennon Co-opted Mar 2024-      Feb 2028
Robert Hyland Co-opted Jan 2024-        Jan 2028
Rebecca Harvey Clerk September 2023-


Mrs Liz Haynes Headteacher Sept 2014 – Aug 2022
  • Curriculum (4/4)
  • Resources (3/4)
Mrs Lisa Daniels Parent 11/6/19 – Resigned Aug 2022
  • Resources (2/4)
Mrs Maggie Day Co-opted 22/3/20 – Resigned Aug 2022
  • Curriculum (4/4)
Mr Alan Newby Parent 18/1/22 – Resigned 17 June 2022
  • Curriculum
Mr Joel Mercer Co-opted 2/6/20 – Resigned Dec 2021
  • Curriculum
Mrs Jill Byrne Associate Member
  • Resources
Jessica John Co-opted 28/02/22 – 08/02/26
  • Resources
Jing Ru LEA 25/05/2021 – 24/05/2025
  • Resources
Steve England Clerk
  • Resources
  • Curriculum
Clerk to the trustees at Links Academy from Dec 2017

Clerk to the Governors at Widford Primary from Dec 2019

Mrs Sarah Labriola Co-opted 9/2/21- 8/2/25
  • Curriculum
Mr David Blakemore Co-opted 14/10/19 – 13/10/23
  • Resources
Wife employed at the school as School Office Manager since April 2022 7/7
Naveed Darr Co-opted 19/07/22 – 16/5/24 N/A